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How Ecospex Works

Ready to expand your markets?

A guaranteed worldwide audience because EcoSpex is where we invite the world to visit us online to search for green and healthy building products and services.

All entries in EcoSpex are included on the basis that:

1. The product/service must have environmental/sustainability benefit.
2. The information in EcoSpex relates only to the sections we verify.
3. An entry may be removed at any time if terms and conditions for listings are breached, or appropriate notice is given.

Select from three assessment opportunities to feature your products. For more information on the benifits and features of each listing option see below.

Take advantage of our discounted pricing for listings during our  pilot phase!


Notes on Pricing:

  • The price for product listing varies with each listing level. In each listing level there are discounted rates for multiple product listings. Initial product listing prices include cost of the verification process. There is a reduced annual renewal fee for single and multiple product listings. Please contact EcoSpex for pricing details including special reduced introductory pricing.
  • Volume discounting on 3 to 10 products are available. Please contact the EcoSpex sales team for further information, julie@ecospex.com
  • Listings must be renewed after 12 months to ensure information is still valid (new documents can also be added).
  • A proposal can be provided for Optional Listing Features. 

All uploaded products are prequalified for consideration for a listing. A pre-qualification document is given to all suppliers/manufactures for    consideration. Basic Listings are self-declared.
** Showcase your products in a green building project, allowing specifier’s access to critical information in a standardized technical case study (formatted by EcoSpex team). As part of this opportunity you can feature up to two products in an image gallery layout.


                                                       Capability sheet link image                
   Join the EcoSpex Pilot                                    Product Listings                                        Capability Sheet                                            
     (click to download)                                           (click to download)                                       (click to download)