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How we verify

Investing in the future –revolutionizing procurement of green building products

The level of competition for building product manufacturers continues to increase in each product category. The sheer number of products in any given category has also grown over the past few years. These competitive forces increase a business’ need to provide relevant and quality product information quickly to customers in order to maintain or increase market share and maximize the growth for each product.

EcoSpex's vision of bringing clarity and efficiency to the green building procurement process is becoming reality. This is an early opportunity for suppliers, manufacturers and end-users to participate in the EcoSpex Pilot and impact the future of sourcing green building products.

By joining the EcoSpex Pilot, you will be helping to revolutionize the way green building products are specified, sourced and purchased. End-users, such as designers, engineering firms, construction and procurement professionals will be evaluating and using the site for sourcing products. The Pilot is unique opportunity to provide and receive feedback on product use and information, engage directly with end-users and work with sustainability and verification experts in presentation of your product’s technical and sustainable merits.

We are now able to offer 60% discounted pricing thanks to funding from the saveONenergy program of Ontario's Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), formerly OPA.

Welcome to our staged website

www.ecospex.com is our staged site where the world can partially view EcoSpex’s features.   We are currently conducting our verification process on suppliers, enhancing the process and working through the kinks, ensuring we have enough products for our end-users before we go live. Additionally, are also working with utility companies to integrate incentives into the system. During this process we are utilizing our other EcoSpex Demo Site to allow for presentations and demos while our site allows our experts to conduct our heavy lifting and site development. Our code developers and website hosting team are refining functionality as we receive feedback without disrupting the public website.

EcoSpex Pilot objectives


Pilot program, Phase 1: Spring 2015 - Spring 2016

 -  Finalize international joint venture with EcoSpecifier Australia.
 -  Recruiting manufacturers to join and list products, with discounted pricing thanks to IESO/OPA funding.
 -  Attract at least 200 suppliers, manufacturers of commercial building materials and systems that 
    are verifiable; Feature at least 100 verified products and systems by the end of year one.
 -  Industry outreach, delivering workshop and, “lunch and learns” to the designers, contractors and 
    builder communities.
 -  Attract at least 1,000 designers, architects, building construction, engineering, procurement specialists.
 -  Building partnerships across Canada, USA and Australia - Generate positive impact on the building 
    industry, with a focus on creating greater awareness and transparency of sustainable products in the pilot phase.
 -  Extending site features. 
 -  Build a scalable platform that can operate in other provinces, states and nations.

Investing in innovation, Phase 2: 2016 - 2017

Focused on building out market intelligence tools and site functionality.

 -  Trials with Design and Construction Professionals using EcoSpex on  LEED/BOMA buildings.
 -  Development of mobile application/iPad tablet.
 -  Development of extended site features.
 -  Refine Non-LEED green building rating systems alignment (Toronto Green Standard, 
    Living Building Challenge, GreenGlobes, BOMA, Passivehouse as well as residential 
    programs R-2000, Energy Star, BuiltGreen etc.).
 -  Research and development of Smart Market Specification Reports.

Building upon our best practices, Phase 3: 2017 - 2018

Focused on scaling the platform and development of further applications to incorporate modeling and analytic tools:

 -  development of BIM application,
 -  new site features, and
 -  export Development Plan.

Three ways to list your products in the pilot

During the pilot phase, participants will receive discounted pricing for product listings while enjoying EcoSpex’s full service and benefits. Participants have three choices for product listings on the EcoSpex website:

        1. Basic Listing

An entry-listing suited to products that are still in the process of obtaining certifications, or are not ready for a more rigorous verification process. Up to two products can be listed for free.

        2. Standard Listing

A value-added listing service that highlights your product's features and certifications, with higher listing visibility at a cost-effective fee.

        3. Premium Verified Listing

Our most completed listing service, at a 60% discount during the Pilot. Includes a complete assessment and verification of your product's technical, environmental and health attributes, alignment to LEED v4 credits, alignment with utility incentives, review of your MasterFormat specification, highlighted project example, and a Lead Inquiry service.

Compare your options and prices here

Our Premium Verified Listing service meets the need for greater transparency and tells the product’s complete story and demonstrates your company’s commitment to sustainability. The comprehensive assessment package allows purchasers to identify third-party verified products that meet stringent green building goals. EcoSpex’s Verification logo indicates that a product has undergone rigorous assessment to prove compliance with robust, third-party performance standards and is a symbol of trustworthiness.

Take advantage of 60% discounted pricing for listings during our pilot phase.

How to Join...

To join the EcoSpex Pilot, contact us at (705) 445-1256 or info@ecospex.com

           Join the Pilot                                   Product Listings
        (click to download)                                (click to download)